• Community Safety  

Empowering Residents

to report all crime & ASB

Duncairn Community Partnership is dedicated to uplifting and uniting our community, working tirelessly in order to foster the necessary changes that will lead to the progress of removing or re-imaging the longstanding peace barriers that have affected lower North Belfast for far too long.
  • Community Engagement

    Fostering meaningful collaboration and genuine inclusivity through a variety of engaging cross community interface initiatives, as well as hosting impactful Peace Barrier activities and diverse events that bring people together.
  • Supportive Services

    Providing essential services and support that are expertly tailored to meet the diverse needs of our residents including mental health difficulties arising from the former conflict

Reporting interface Issues

to police & other agencies

At Duncairn Community Partnership, we are committed to adopting and implementing multi-agency approaches that effectively record, address, and deal with a variety of interface or peace barrier problems that arise within our communities.
  • See it?, hear it? REPORT IT!

    Protect your community from interface violence and disorder by taking proactive steps to foster community safety. Create safer, more stable interface communities that not only enhance security but also promote well-being and harmony, therefore improving your overall quality of life and that of your neighbours!

  • crime stoppers, confidential reporting

    An independent charity dedicated to providing support while ensuring complete confidentiality for all individuals seeking assistance. We guarantee that there will be no police involvement, no witness statements required, no court appearances needed, and most importantly, absolutely no repercussions! Crimestopper are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to ensure that help is always just a call away! Feel free to reach out to them at 0800 500 111